In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful. All prayers and blessings of Allah SWT are upon our Prophet (PBUH), his households, his Companions, and all those who follow his Sunnah until the Day of Judgment.
Owing to the so many virtues of the fast, Allah SWT has ordained the fasting of the blessed month of Ramadan as the fourth Pillar of Islam and an obligatory act of worship.
The fast is one of the dearest acts of worship to Allah SWT. Therefore, He SWT has promised for the fast a great reward, the magnitude of which is only known to Him SWT.
The fast is a confidential relationship between Allah SWT and His servants. The Muslim can be fasting and keeping it a secret between him and his Lord, Allah SWT. Therefore, the fast is mostly a sincere act of worship that is free from hypocrisy.
Allah SWT has promised a great deal of His Mercy, Forgiveness, and Blessings for the Muslims who will practice fasting. Consequently, the fast will bring so many benefits to the Muslims.
Allah SWT says in Surat al-Baqarah:
وأن تصوموا خير لكم إن كنتم تعلمون (الآية: 184)
It is better for you to fast, if you would know (2-184)
The virtues and benefits of fasting are explained in the following.
1- Special reward is set for fasting
Mostly all acts of worship are usually manifested to people around the Muslim except the fast. The Muslim could be fasting and, if he wishes, no one around him will be aware of that.
The Prophet (PBUH) said in a part of a Hadith Qudsi narrated by al-Bukhari, in which Allah SWT said:
كل عمل ابن له إلا الصيام فإنه لي وأنا اجزي به.
All deeds of Son of Adam belong to him except fasting it is made for Me and I will provide the reward for it.
The reward for all acts of worship could be multiplied to ten times until seven hundred times but the magnitude of the reward of the fast is kept only to the knowledge of Allah SWT. Hence, that reward could be multiplied, by the will of Allah SWT, to more than seven hundred times.
The Prophet (PBUH) said in a part of Hadith narrated by al-bukhari and Muslim:
كل عمل ابن آدم يضاعف له: الحسنة عشر أمثالها إلى سبعمائة ضعف، قال الله سبحانه وتعالى: إلا الصوم فإنه لي وأنا أجزي به.
The reward of Son of Adam’s deeds is multiplied to ten times until seven hundred times. However, Allah SWT said: except fasting, it is made for Me and I will provide the reward for it.
On the other hand, Allah SWT has promised a countless reward for the Muslim who will show patience and steadfastness. Fasting is one of the manifestations of patience and perseverance.
In fasting the different kinds of patience and perseverance are practiced. First, patience by showing total obedience to the commands of Allah SWT and staying away, during fasting, of physical desires, like food, drink and intercourse, that are originally lawful for the Muslim. Also, showing patience by staying away of the kinds of sins that may spoil the fasting.
Allah SWT said in Surat a-zzumar:
إنما يوفى الصابرون أجرهم بغير حساب (الآية: 10)
Those who show patience and perseverance will be rewarded without measure (39-10).
Accordingly, the Muslim who performs the fast will get a countless reward from his Lord, Allah SWT, given the fact that fasting is one of the manifestations of patience and perseverance.
2- The reward of fasting is safeguarded
On the Day of Judgment, all feuds between the adversaries will be settled. Those who had wronged others, in the worldly life, and didn’t make the necessary amends, part of their good deeds will be given, as compensation, to their victims on the Day of Judgment.
The reward of the fast, however, wouldn’t be touched or affected by such settlements. Allah SWT will make it up for the victims of injustices and compensate them in the way that He SWT will choose. Hence, Allah SWT will keep the reward of the fast intact in such adjustments of disputes.
As mentioned above in the Hadith Qudsi Allah SWT says:
كل عمل ابن آدم له إلا الصيام فإنه لي وأنا أجزي به
All the deeds of Son of Adam belong to him except the fast it is made for Me and I will provide the reward for it.
Some scholars have concluded from the above statement that Allah SWT has attributed the reward of the fast to Himself SWT and hence, this reward will be kept preserved for the Muslim on the Day of Judgment from the settlement of feuds.
3- Safeguard from Hellfire
The fast will preserve the Muslim from Hellfire.
The Prophet (PBUH) said in an authentic hadith Qudsi narrated by Imam Ahmad:
قال ربنا سبحانه وتعالى: الصيام جنة يستجن به العبد من النار، وهو لي وأنا أجزي به.
Allah SWT has said: The fast is a refuge to which the servant could resort and save himself from Hellfire and it is made for Me and I will provide the reward for it.
The Prophet (PBUH) said in another authentic hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad:
الصيام جنة وحصن حصين من النار.
The fast provides protection and it is a solid shield against Hellfire.
4- Immunity against sins
The Muslim, during fasting, is taught self-restraint and this will give him mostly immunity against sins. The fast, in particular during the month of Ramadan, will also raise the Muslim to a higher level of spirituality. Consequently, he’ll have an added spiritual power and would be mostly able to resist the temptations of Satan and shun sins or faults that may displease his Lord.
The Prophet (PBUH) said in a part of Hadith Qudsi narrated by al-Bukhari in which Allah SWT has said:
وإذا كان صوم أحدكم فلا يرفث ولا يصخب، فإن سابه أحد أو قاتله فليقل إني إمرؤ صائم.
If anyone of you is fasting, he shouldn’t be involved in any obscenity or shouting. In case of anyone cursed him or tried to wrangle with him, he has to restrain himself and say I’m fasting.
Self-restraint, in front of such challenges, is generally recommended, however, during fasting, it is more befitting for the Muslim.
5- Immunity for Muslim youth
When the Muslim youth wouldn’t have the necessary means to get married the fast could be a refuge for them from carnal desires.
The Prophet (PBUH) said in a Hadith narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim:
يا معشر الشباب من استطاع منكم الباءة فليتزوج، فإنه أغض للبصر وأحصن للفرج، ومن لم يستطع فعليه بالصوم، فإنه له وجاء.
O young people: Whoever among you has the necessary means to get married, let him do that, as marriage helps in lowering the gaze and preserving chastity, but whoever doesn’t have the necessary means, he could resort to fasting, it would give him immunity.
6- Setting a wide distance away from Hellfire
The fast will keep a huge distance between the Muslim and Hellfire.
The Prophet (PBUH) said in a Hadith narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim:
من صام يوما في سبيل الله بعًّد الله وجهه عن النار سبعين خريفا.
The Muslim who will fast one day for the sake of Allah SWT, He SWT will keep the face of that Muslim away from Hellfire for seventy years.
On the other hand, the fast will set a hugely vast ditch between the Muslim and Hellfire.
The Prophet (PBUH) said in an authentic Hadith narrated by a-ttirmizi:
من صام يوما في سبيل الله جعل الله بينه وبين النار خندقا كما بين السماء والأرض.
The Muslim who will fast one day for the sake of Allah SWT, He SWT will set a ditch between that Muslim and Hellfire as vast as the distance between Heaven and Earth.
7- The fast is unparralled in its benefits
In so many occasions, the Prophet (PBUH) has recommended the fast to his Companions. The Prophet (PBUH) receives his knowledge directly as a revelation from his Lord, and knows well how fasting is so rewarding for Muslims.
Abu Omamah, one of the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH), came to him saying: Command me to do something that would benefit me, the Prophet (PBUH) said to him:
عليك بالصوم فإنه لا عدل له.
Stick to fasting, it is unparralled in its benefits.
It’s quite clear form the Hadith that the fast, in comparison to other acts of worship, could bring so many benefits, some of whom many Muslims may not aware of. Consequently, the Prophet (PBUH) has recommended Muslims, in many occasions, to offer voluntary fasting after the month of Ramadan.
8- Arrayan Gate is consecrated for Muslims who fast
From the eight gates of Paradise, a special Gate has been devoted exclusively for the Muslims who fast, the name of which is Arrayan Gate. This is an illustration of the special honour that Allah SWT has bestowed upon the Muslims who fast.
The Prophet (PBUH) said in a Hadith narrated by al-Bukhari:
إن في الجنة ثمانية أبواب، فيها باب يسمى الريان، لا يدخله إلا الصائمون.
Paradise has eight gates, among them, a gate called Arrayan, through which enter only the Muslims who fast.
9- A source of happiness
The Prophet (PBUH) said in a part of Hadith narrated by Muslim:
للصائم فرحتان: فرحة عند فطره وفرحة عند لقاء ربه.
The Muslim, when fasting, will feel happiness in two occasions. First when he breaks his fast and secondly when he meets his Lord Allah SWT.
At the time of breaking the fast, the Muslim will feel the joy of showing obedience to his Creator, Allah SWT, by fasting. He’ll feel also gratitude that Allah SWT has allowed him to show that kind of obedience. When breaking his fast, the Muslim will feel the joy of quenching his thirst and alleviating his hunger after staying fasting all the day.
In addition, on the Day of Judgment, at the encounter with his Lord, the Muslim will feel joyful after getting the bountiful reward that Allah SWT has promised for fasting.
10- Supplication of the Muslim is to be accepted
When the Muslim is performing the fast and staying away of sins and faults, he’ll be quite close to Allah SWT and hence, his supplication, by the will of Allah SWT, will be answered,.
The Prophet (PBUH) said in an authentic Hadith narrated by al-bayhaqi,
ثلاث دعوات مستجابات دعوة الصائم ودعوة المظلوم ودعوة المسافر.
There’re three types of Muslims whose supplications are promised to be answered by Allah SWT. These are the supplication of the Muslim during his fast, the supplication of the individual who has been subjected to injustice and the supplication of the traveler.
11- Intercession in favour of the Muslim
The fast and the Quran will come as intercessors for the Muslim on the Day of Judgment.
The Prophet (PBUH) said in an authentic Hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad and others:
الصيام والقرآن يشفعان للعبد يوم القيامة يقول الصيام: أي ربِّ منعته الطعام والشهوات بالنهار فشفعني فيه، ويقول القرآن: منعته النوم بالليل فشفعني فيه، قال: فيشفعان.
The fast and the Quran will intercede in favour of the servant of Allah SWT on the Day of Judgment. The fast will say: My Lord I deprived him of food and carnal desires during the day, let me intercede for him. The Quran will say: I deprived him of sleep at night, let me intercede for him and they will be permitted to intercede.
12- Great reward for providing Iftar to Muslims
Muslims race with each other, during the month of Ramadan, into helping other Muslims, by providing them with Iftar meal to break their fast, mostly in the Masajid. Also, in some spaces in the Muslim cities, around the world, tables are set to offer Iftar meal for Muslims. Allah SWT has promised a great reward for providing Muslims with food to break their fast.
The Prophet (PBUH) said in an authentic Hadith narrated by a-ttirmizi:
من فطر صائما كان له مثل أجره، غير أنه لا ينقص من أجر الصائم شيئا.
Whoever will provide food for a Muslim to break his fast will have the similar reward of fasting, without diminishing the reward of the fasting Muslim.
13- An option for expiation
Allah SWT by His Mercy and Grace has allowed for the Muslim, in case of committing specific faults, options for expiation, among them is fasting. Accordingly, the fast could be an option of expiation in the following cases.
- Resort to a prohibited act during Hajj as a result of an illness or ailment.
- Intentionally violate one of the Hajj prohibitions.
- Failure to fulfill one of the Hajj obligations.
- Hunting in the state if Ihram.
- Unaffordability to offer the sacrifice of Hadye (Offering) when combining Hajj with Omarah.
- Unintentional killing of a person.
- Divorce through Zihar (the husband says to his wife: you’re prohibited to me like my mother).
- Having intercourse while fasting in Ramadan.
- Breaking an oath.
14- A lead to righteousness
The fast could lead the Muslim to reach the level of righteousness (Taqwa). The essence of Taqwa is exemplified in fearing Allah SWT and fulfilling our duty to Him SWT by showing total obedience to all His Commands and staying away of all what He has prohibited for us.
Allah SWT says in Surat al-Baqarah:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا كتب عليكم الصيام كما كُتب على الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون (الآية: 83).
O you who believe: The fast has been prescribed for you as it had been prescribed for people before you, so that you could reach the level of righteousness (Taqwa).
The fast is a unique act of worship, in the sense that the Muslim, during fasting, would stay away of physical desires like food, drink and intercourse, just for the sake of Allah SWT. Accordingly, the Muslim, during fasting, could acquire some of the characteristics of angles who haven’t such desires.
In such a condition the Muslim becomes closer to his Lord and could win over Allah’s Mercy, Forgiveness and Support. The Muslim, while fasting, in particular during the month of Ramadan, could transcend to a higher level of spirituality that would work as a shield against sins and offenses. The more spirituality the Muslim will reach the more Taqwa he’ll achieve.
15- Showing gratitude to Allah SWT
The Muslim, by fasting, will voluntarily relinquish food and drink during the day. By virtue of that, he’ll appreciate such favours of Allah SWT, which otherwise he’ll be oblivious of.
Allah SWT said in Surat al-Baqarah:
ولتكملوا العدة ولتكبروا الله على ما هداكم ولعلكم تشكرون (الآية 185)
You should complete the number of the fasting days and glorify the name of Allah SWT, after He has guided you, hence you’ll show your gratitude to Him (2-185).
16- Showing empathy towards the needy
No doubt that when the Muslim is deprived of food and drink, during fasting, he will feel sympathy with the poor and needy. Consequently, he’ll be willing to support them and satisfy some of their needs by providing food, drink and Sadaqah (charity).
17- Health benefits
It has been confirmed, even by non-Muslim sources, that the fast will provide great benefits in the matter of human health. According, to nutrition experts, the fast could provide healing from many serious illnesses, like heart illnesses, diabetes, kidney diseases, obesity and others. They explained by saying that the fast will give the opportunity for the body organs, during fasting, to get rid of many of the toxins that accumulate inside the human body and allow for the healing process.
Allah SWT says in Surat al-Baqarah:
وأن تصوموا خير لكم إن كنتم تعلمون (الآية: 184).
It’ll be better for you to fast, if you would know (2-184).
Importance of voluntary fasting
For all those so many benefits of fasting, the Prophet (PBUH) has recommended Muslims not to restrict themselves into fasting only the month of Ramadan. He has advised Muslims to perform voluntary fasting, as much as possible, in specific occasions, throughout the whole year, to reap the benefits of the fast.
The Prophet (PBUH) has recommended fasting voluntarily in the following occasions and days:
- Six days in the month of shawwal, which, in addition to the fast of Ramadan, will be as fasting the whole year. This is based on the fact that the reward for each Hasanah (good deed) is multiplied ten times.
- In the first nine days of the month of Zulhijjah. The Day of Arafah, which occurs on the ninth of Zullhijjah, is highly recommended for fasting. The Prophet (PBUH) said that the promised reward for fasting the Day of Arafah is forgiveness for the sins committed in two years, the previous year and the following one.
- Fasting as much as possible during the month of al-Muharram, in particular the Day of Ashura which occurs on the tenth of that month. With fasting the Day of Ashura, it is recommended to also fast, one day before or one day after. The promised reward for fasting the Day of Ashura is forgiveness for the sins of the previous year.
- Fasting three days each month, preferably the white days, which correspond to the thirteen, fourteenth and fifteenth of each month. This will be equal to fasting the whole year, based on the fact that the reward for each Hasanah (good deed) is multiplied ten times.
- Fasting of Monday and Thursday each week, either both of them or one of them as much as possible, according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).
- Fasting as much as possible during the month of Sha’ban.
- Fasting as much as possible during the prohibited months, Zulq’dah, Zulhijjah, al-Muharram and Rajab
- The best type of voluntary fasting, according to the Prophet (PBUH), is to fast each other day. This is called the fasting of Prophet Dawood.
We pray to Allah SWT to give us the opportunity to perform as much voluntary fasting as possible, throughout the whole year Ameen!
We also pray to Allah SWT to bestow upon us the knowledge that would benefit us and others, Ameen!
Sayed Abutaleb
Imam of Masjid Fatima, Woodside, NY
May 25th, 2020